Configuring Authentication
Configure the Firewall to use a Captive Portal to Authenticate
- Configure a Local User Account && Authentication Profile
- Enable the Captive Portal && Enable Web-Form based Logins
- Create an Authentication Policy
Load Lab Configuration
Open the client (Chromium or Firefox)
Type `` and press Enter
When you see "Your connection is private" Click the Advanced Link
If you experience the "Unable to connect" or "502 Bad Gateway" message while attempting to connect to the specified IP above, please wait an additional 1-3 minutes for the Firewall to fully initialize. Refresh the page to continue.
Login to the Firewall web Interface
username `admin`
password `Pal0Alt0!`
Configuration Management
Navigate to Device form the top selections of the Interface
Select setup from the selections on the left
Select Operations above the Configuration Management window
Choose `Load named Configuration snapshot`
In the Load named Configuration window Select `pan-cf-lab-04.xml` from the dropdown
Click `OK`
Close the Config message window that says `Configuration being loaded`
Check Task Manager for status (Located in the bottom-right of web interface)
The task manager window verifies the load type has successfully completed
click `Close` to continue
Lastly Click the commit link located in the top-right of the interface
When the commit window pops up click commit to commit the changes.
Click `Close` to continue When the commit operation completes successfully
The commit process takes changes made to the firewall && copies them to the running configuration, which will activate all configuration changes since last the commit.
Configure a Local User Account && Authentication Profile
Navigate to Network in the top selections of the interface
Select zones from the selections on the left side of interface
Click on `inside` zone
In zone window, click the `Enable User Identification` checkbox under User Identification ACL
Then click `OK`
This will enable the inside zone to use a Username for Authentication
Navigate to `Device` in the top selections of the interface
On the far-left side of the interface select `Users` (you may have to scroll down)
Click `Add` in the window to add a User
In the Local User window Type `lab-web` in the Name field
Then Type `Pal0Alt0!` in the Password and confirm fields
Then click the `OK` button
Navigate to device in the top selections of the interface
Select Authentication Profile on the far-right side of the interface
Click `Add` at the bottom-left in the interface
In the Authentication Profile window Type `Local-Auth-Profile` in the name field
In the Type box Select `Local Database` from the dropdown
Also In the Authentication Profile window click on the `Advanced` tab
Then click the `Add` button
Next select `all` from the dropdown in the Allow List column
Lastly click the `OK` button
Enable the Authentication Portal && Enable Web-Form based Logins
Enable a Captive Portal and use a web form for login
Navigate to Device form the top selections in th interface
Select `User Identification` to open up the Authentication Portal
Under the Authentication Portal Settings click the `gear icon`
In the Authentication Portal window click the `Enable Authentication Portal` checkbox
Select `Local-Auth-Profile` from the Authentication Profile dropdown
click `OK` button
This will turn on the Authentication Portal for web-form logins and associate it with the Local-Auth-Profile you created earlier.
Navigate to Objects from the top selection in the interface
select Authentication from the choices in the far-right column
Click checkbox beside the default-web-form and click `Clone`
In the Clone window click the `OK` button to confirm the clone
Notice the new entry named `default-web-form-1` has been created
click on the `default-web-form-1`
In the Authentication Enforcement window Type `local-web-form-auth` in the Name field
Then select `Local-Auth-Profile` in the Authentication Profile dropdown
Next Click the `OK` button
Create an Authentication Policy
Navigate to Policies in the top selections in the interface
Select Authentication from the choices in the far-left column
Then click `Add` in the bottom-left of the screen
In the Authentication Policy Rule Window Type `web-form-policy` in th name field
In the Authentication Policy Rule Window click on the `Source` tab
Click `Add` button in Source Zone section
Next select `inside`
In the Authentication Policy Rule Window click on the `Service/URL Category` tab
Then click on the `Add` button in the Service section
Next select `service-https`
In the Authentication Policy Rule Window click on the `Actions` tab
Then select `local-web-form-auth` from the Authentication Enforcement dropdown
Then click the `OK` button
Commit && Test Authentication Policy
Click `Commit` at the top-right of the interface
Click `Commit`In the Commit window to commit the changes
Click `Close` when the operation successfully completes to continue
Open another Browser and Type `` and press `Enter`
You will see a `Your connection is not private` message
Click the `ADVANCED` Link
Then Click `Proceed to`
You are seeing this error because the Firewall is intercepting traffic coming from the inside zone to the outside zone. The Firewall serves as a man-in-the-middle until authenticated.
You will see a web-form login
Type `lab-web` as the username
Then Type `Pal0Alt0!` as the Password
Then click the `login` button
You will see Facebook after successful Authentication to the Firewall as `lab-web`
In the logs you will see that the entries to facebook-base
are associated with the lab-web
user. You may need to manually refresh logs or check additional pages at the bottom of the page